What's he holding in his hand?
What's he holding in his hand?
It’s a Barber Knife!
Polish general governorate or some Polish voivodeship.
For example, Kujawsko Pomorskie or Wielkopolskie.
hmmm... ok))
Oh nvm lol your comment confused me at first cause it only appeared as “)”
Oh no!
This character has no realistic body proposals! Horror!!!
These are just drawings. Everyone draws what they like and how they like.
Ps¹: She has her eyes closed, have you forgotten the pupils?
Eyes closed. They don't have a sclera color to distinguish that, so I can see where the confusion is.
Hold on.
Haven't you posted it since May 17?
Because it was published right then.
And that's where that picture was used.
That's only a snippet of the full image. I've had it for a long time, and like I said, I prepared this in advanced for July 1st.
Call me an old man, but the old ones were better.
Sarvente doesn't look like a penis censorship.
The second thing is that Servante is not 60 cm tall (≈2 feet tall) or France is not the size of a single-story single-family house.
Along with the attic and basement.
That sounds like a you problem.
Czy Notacountryboll też truł ci o to dupę?
Tak. W dodatku jest moim służącym i truje mi dupe codziennie.
A papieros Klubowy, czy Jasny Mocny.
And is this cigarette a Bright Strong or a Club cigarette?
(Nazwy dwóch rodzajów papierosów popularnych w PRL/Names of types of cigarettes popular in the People's Republic of Poland.)
Jasny mocny.
Fakt zapomniałem o tym.
Ale ogólnie i bez tego wygląda zajebiście.
Ps: Flaga to czerwony ma górze i dole, pas biały, a wzór to po prostu czarny kontury.
The fact I forgot about it.
But overall it looks great without it.
Ps: The red flag has top and bottom, the stripe is white, and the pattern is just black outlines.
Poprawie to jak będe mieć czas.
I was working as a breakwater on the torpedo boat.
Greetings from Sarbinowo.
Fuck, the Baltic Sea is a puddle, but what a puddle.
He writes like that.
Ok? Dude, just come inside and party.
Polska (Poland)
Joined on 7/3/20